Facebook integration
How does LiveHelpNow integration with Facebook?
Respond to Facebook messenger conversations and wall posts right from LiveHelpNow help desk console

LiveHelpNow Help Desk Software allows companies of all sizes to interact with their customers via Live Chat, SMS/Text, Email , Traditional Phone, Twitter and now…Facebook!
Yes, LiveHelpNow can now capture your Facebook business page’s posts and messenger interactions, all nicely grouped in conversations within LiveHelpNow operator console and all following the same rules you already defined for your live chat, email, SMS, etc. workflows.
Once Facebook page is authorized within your LiveHelpNow account it will immediately capture comments, wall posts and messenger messages sent by your customers on your Facebook Business page.
Wall posts and comments will be captured as tickets
A wall post or comment from the same sender on the previously created topic will be appended as a ticket comment to an existing ticket created originally for the sender and kept as an easy to follow conversation. Identical to how tickets already work for email replies.
Facebook Messenger Interactions will come in as live chat sessions. So no learning curve there either!